ICCAR Awards

Young Scientist Award

Eligible candidates are presenting authors of papers submitted to ICCAR 2025, which meet the following criteria:

  • The Technical Programme Committee has accepted the paper as an oral.
  • The research demonstrates innovation, originality, rationale and quality.
  • The presenting author is under 35 years of age with a Ph.D before that date.
  • Application could be made during registration. The applicant is required to submit representative publications (up to 2) and full CV for judges to review. All publications need to provide impact factor, citation and major research contribution.
  • Award Application Deadline: March 5, 2025.

Outstanding Paper Award

Eligible candidates are presenting authors of papers submitted to ICCAR 2025, which meet the following criteria:

  • The Technical Programme Committee has accepted the paper as an oral.
  • The research is strong representative of solid theoretical and empirical work in our field.

Best Oral Presentation Award

Eligible candidates are presenting authors of papers or abstracts submitted to ICCAR 2025, which meet the following criteria:

  • The Technical Programme Committee has accepted the paper or abstract as an oral presentation.
  • The presentation demonstrates originality, applicability, technical merit, PPT quality and English level.

Best Poster Presentation Award

Eligible candidates are presenting authors of papers or abstracts submitted to ICCAR 2025, which meet the following criteria:

  • The poster committee evaluates all posters on their design, clarity of the presentation - both of the poster and also when talking to the presenter - and their scientific content.